How I accidentally found the most amazing yoga bag!
So, you know how it goes... surfing Amazon, of all things, at 6am, what else am I going to be doing? I was searching for a carry on bag for our recent trip to Mexico. I wanted something that would carry my yoga mat as well as some toiletries, swimsuit and a good book in case my checked bag ended up in Timbuktu! I do my best scrolling at 6am by the way. Earl Grey cozied up in my lap. A hot cup of coffee in my other hand enjoying the peace and quiet. I am the only early riser in my household aside from the animals, of course. So, after about a half hour of searching I stumble upon this bag. The dimensions are decent for a carry on, the price is right AND it has great reviews! ADD TO CART haha
Thanks to my Amazon prime subscription, it came in 2 days! And alas, it's exactly what I was looking for.
I store my yoga mat and the studio but always have to lug my bolster to each class. Well, low and behold this bag fits my bolster, blank, tune up balls, straps and a pair of tights no problem.
Here is the amazon link: (this is not an affiliate post)